The minimum configuration requires a topology comprising a gateway service, a portal service, and an analytics service. In order to…

There are four major components of API Connect and two additional add-on components that integrate and provide added value to…

In this chapter, you will be referencing a number of Swagger definition files to assist you with your learning experience.…

When you are modernizing, having the flexibility to choose where you deploy is important. If you are modernizing your existing…

API Connect is not only about creating APIs – it's also about API management. API Connect is configured with a…

Now that you understand what an API-led architecture is and the types of APIs, you will have to consider the…

API-led, API-first, and the API economy are all mantras that bring to the forefront that APIs are key implementation strategies…

One constant theme in digital transformation frameworks is the focus on customers. The Customers category lists items that are important…

Here are some good resources about Agile integration: The concepts you've learned about in this chapter provide a…

As we fast forward to the 21st century, we can see how the Industrial Revolution changed businesses (even our fictional…